During her 25 years in the United States Army Colonel Diane Schroer had been an Airborne Ranger, Special Forces officer, winner of numerous decorations and medals, and was hand-picked to lead a classified national security operation in which she reported directly to Vice President Cheney. When she retired in 2004, Schroer wanted to put her experience and knowledge of terrorism to good use and found employment as a terrorism and international crime research analyst at the Library of Congress. However, when Schroer told the Library that she was transgender, and wanted to begin work as a female, the job offer was rescinded and Diane found herself unemployed.
Despite Diane’s knowledge, background, and hands-on experience tracking and targeting international terrorist organizations the Library of Congress decided Diane was “no longer a good fit” because, among other reasons, they thought that she would not be taken seriously by her peers or by Congress after her transition. “After risking my life for more than 25 years for my country, I was told that I was not worthy of the freedoms I worked so hard to protect,” Diane said. “All that I want is to be judged by my abilities rather than my gender.” On September 19, 2008 a federal court agreed and ruled that under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 the Library of Congress had illegally discriminated against Diane because of her sex.
The court’s ruling was ground breaking because it found that discriminating against someone for transitioning from one gender to another is sex discrimination under federal law. On April 28, 2009 the court ordered the Library of Congress to pay Diane $491,190 for back pay, other financial losses and emotional pain and suffering. The Obama administration has decided not to appeal the verdict.
Today Diane is enjoying life with her partner, her dog, and is working for the government once again doing what she knows and loves — protecting her country.
Preliminary findings from the National Transgender Discrimination Survey conducted by the National Center for Transgender Equality and the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force found:

To learn more about transgender discrimination download the complete survey here.

Diane Schroer