Please be aware of the following limitations or exclusions on funding from the Gill Foundation:
- Most grants to state-based organizations are made through the Civil Marriage Collaborative at Proteus Fund (for near-term marriage equality work) or the State Equality Fund at Tides Foundation.
- Proposals that meet these funding guidelines are not guaranteed funding.
- Organizations may submit only one letter of inquiry and proposal to the Gill Foundation every 12 months.
- Grant requests should not exceed 15 percent of an organization’s total budget or 50 percent of a project budget.
- First-time grantees rarely receive grants in excess of $15,000.
- Funding is limited to programming within the United States and its recognized territories.
- The Gill Foundation does not provide grant money for lobbying and does not support efforts to influence the election of candidates for public office.
- The following are ineligible for funding under these guidelines: endowments, capital projects, pride events, arts and cultural programming, individuals, scholarships, and debt relief.